William Drake Limited are delighted to be able to announce that we have been commissioned to build a new 35-stop instrument in the historic Bedford School Chapel. The build of the new organ is being fully funded by a generous private donation. The completion of the instrument is planned for Autumn 2027.

The organ is designed with an oak case with Choir department in the gallery front. It will have tracker action to manuals and pedals. The organ will have electric stop action with an SSOS combination system and stepper.


Great CC – c’’’’ (61 notes)
Bourdon 16Ft (1-24 stopped wood, open metal from C25)
Open Diapason 8Ft (façade)
Flauto Traverso 8Ft (1-12 wood, harmonic from C37)
Keraulophon 8Ft (1-12 grooved, treble slotted)
Flute 4Ft (stopped and open wood)
Principal 4Ft
Twelfth 2 2/3Ft
Fifteenth 2Ft
Mixture 4RKS
Cornet 5RKS (C25-E53)
Posaune 8Ft
Swell CC – c’’’’ (61 notes)
Open Diapason 8Ft
Gedeckt 8Ft (wood)
Gamba 8Ft (1-12 grooved)
Voix Celeste 8Ft (tenor c)
Gemshorn 4Ft (cylindrical)
Flauto Traverso 4Ft (open metal, harmonic from G20)
Flageolet 2Ft
Mixture 3RKS (with tierce)
Double Trumpet 16Ft (1-12 half-length)
Cornopean 8Ft
Oboe 8Ft
Choir CC – c’’’’ (61 notes)
Open Diapason 8Ft (1-12 grooved, façade)
Stop Diapason 8Ft (stopped metal)
Principal 4Ft (side façade)
Flute 4Ft (chimney flute, open treble)
Twelfth 2 2/3Ft (Cornet séparé)
Fifteenth 2Ft (Cornet séparé)
Tierce 1 3/5Ft (Cornet séparé)
Mixture 3RKS
Cremona 8Ft
Pedal CC – f’ (30 notes) Couplers
Bourdon 16Ft Swell to Great
Bass Flute 8Ft (by extension) Choir to Great
Principal 8Ft (façade) Swell to Choir
Trombone 16Ft (1-12 wood) Swell to Pedals
Great to Pedals
Choir to Pedals
Tremulant Full Gt & Pd Combs Coupled
Tremulant Choir Gens on Swell Toes

The organ will be tuned to equal temperament at a pitch of 440Hz @ 20o Celsius.

New Organ Bedford School